Ana Rey president of the Institute

March 2018 / South America

Country Focus

Uruguay: A logistics hub

Within the framework of the heavy investments in infrastructure in execution by the Ministry of Transport of Uruguay, the National Institute of Logistics (INALOG) promotes private investment. In this context, German companies have been regularly visited in order to boost the outsourcing of companies in that country, which can move their stocks to Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil from Montevideo.

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July 2017 / ASIA

JAPAN: The Big Technological Comeback

Japan and the EU reach historical milestone and seal Free Trade Agreement

After four years of talks Japan and the European Union agreed on a free trade pact to create the world's biggest open economic area of more than 640 million people, that accounts for nearly one-third of the global economy. This will be the most important bilateral trade agreement ever concluded by the EU and as such will for the first time include a specific commitment to the Paris Climate Change Agreement. ....

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